
Talk to me about running
a previous class again.

  • Fiercely Flash--Courageous and Compressed Writing

    Begins August 29, 2024
    12-Week Flash Writing and Revision Course

    Travel the map of micro and flash creative writing in fiction and nonfiction. Over twelve weeks we’ll learn about the flash form, read from inspiring authors and produce spontaneous writing from a prompt every week. Each prompt focuses on different elements of the writing craft from narrative arc to metaphor to finding inspiration. The entire course builds across the twelve weeks from the flash introduction to full competence in flash writing.  By the end, you’ll have started at least twelve flash pieces and/or found inspiration for your longer works in progress.

  • Flash Fiction Session Writing Away Refuge Virtual & Live Retreats

    Leading the session on Flash and Micro Writing at the October 2024 Writing Away Refuge live retreat in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Look for future flash and micro sessions at Writing Away Refuge virtual retreats.

  • 4-14-24 Speculation: a flash fiction Workshop

    Speculative Fiction
    April 14-29, 2024
    (asynchronous, self-paced & interactive)

    Come learn about the magical world of writing flash fiction, genre style!

    Across the two weeks of this course, you will get a detailed overview of the flash genre and opportunities to write and share your flash fiction. We’ll read and analyze representative stories as inspiration for our own writing. Everyone will read and critique each other’s work. The first week is entirely generative. The second week, our focus shifts to revising for submission. You will work on two of your pieces, picking one that you will submit to the publication of your choice at the end of the class. We will review provided resources (journals and ways to find journals) and crowdsource ideas for places looking to publish the type of work you generate. We will end the course by finding a completely optional date to meet up for an online reading of the work you are intending to submit.

    Get ready to get your dreams down on the page!

  • 2022 & 2023 Flash Fiction Sessions

    In 2023 I helped judge the NC Writer’s Flash Prose contest and taught about flash writing.. In 2022 I gave NC Writer’s Morning Out a workshop on writing flash fiction and nonfiction. I regularly teach flash topics at Southern New Hampshire University.

  • Moments in Miniature (ready to run again)

    This class journeys into micro creative writing where we distill meaning into its richest form. Moments in Miniature is an asynchronous online course taught through Canvas. We travel the map of micro creative writing, reading from inspiring authors in this abbreviated form. Responding to three prompts (there will be a fourth bonus prompt), participants in this class will produce flash fiction/nonfiction sharing with each other and commenting on each other’s work. Each prompt focuses on different elements of writing craft from narrative arc to metaphor. By the end, we’ll have started three (or four) new flash pieces!

  • Kaleidoscope: A Micro Medley (ready to run again)

    Flash Fiction/Nonfiction/Poetry
    October 22-29, 2023
    (asynchronous, self-paced)

    Forget about raking leaves and commit to your writing with a week of stories, essays, poems, and prompts, all designed to help you create new work. This is an opportunity to expand your horizons by experimenting with creative work, either in traditional literary form or in one of the many genres (SciFi, Fantasy, Horror, Crime, whatever you choose). You’ll receive introductory information and three packets of work with readings and prompts designed to generate work. Our open forum allows the group of writers to read and comment on each other’s work.

I teach in the online MA in Creative Writing program with SNHU